Wednesday 19 October 2011

The Wolves are at the door

I nearly didn't come by today because I have been so absorbed in the amaaaaazing owlandcrow website. I just love all the stories. I met Stephanie Anderson Ladd (this is her website) on The Worlds Biggest Summit telecast today where she introduced us to Goddess Persephone. If you enjoy stories you really need to check out this site out as I say I've been there for hours soaking up Goddess history.

Anyway the wolves...... I want to tell you what happened yesterday.
 So we have a bit of credit card debt ...I think I have mentioned it a few times.... it really gets to me sort of absorbs me and all the good work I am doing hides away and I fall right off the happiness path........but yesterday I had a big break through. 
I'll start with the wolves..........they are the people that want the payments and the last few days there have been wolves everywhere the mail box.......on the my my bed at night (really big ones there). I can actually feel them nipping my ankles and no matter what I do I cant get rid of them. I was dreading Hotty coming home because I new we needed to talk about it and that always ends in tears. This coupled with the petrol thing meant I was preeety edgy. I tuned into The Worlds Biggest Summit and the last speaker was Danielle Nelson from and she did this cool really really simple exercise about dealing with your ooky stuff, it was so easy..........while I was doing the "thinking about the ooky thing" part .......I let my mind go to what was inside the know right inside it, its a kind a weird place to get to because when we get close  fear slams the door in our face so we cant get have to push through that door ........ what was the worst thing the wolves could do................take away my kids .....nope.............take away my house......nope don't have one..........tell my Mum.......this one made me laugh, I couldn't believe that was hiding in there............tell everyone I know so I spend the rest of my life in humiliation hole............nope..............come to my door...........not likely and if they do I can show them I am doing the best I can do and I am, bugets are in place and  payments are being made, 
When I finished doing this exercise I felt so relieved, most of the stuff I was scared of wasn't even realistic, the pain in my shoulder went away instantly.......and the best bit, when Hotty got home we sat and talked it through..........I showed him the budgets........not one single grumpy word from him not one single tear from me.........we acted like grown-ups. It gets better we rang the bank and explained where we were at and what we were paying when and it was all good.............Thank you thank you so much Danielle I just want to kiss you. The best bit of the exercise is "30 second silly" go visit her and find out.
After the exercise I made this little reminder and put it on the wall where I will see it everyday.

Well I must away its payday and I'm off to feed the wolves.
We are going to be ok you and me.
Love and Sparkles

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