Saturday 15 October 2011

Beautiful Angels

12th October
Heellooo I'm back.
I know its been over a week, I nearly gave up but I'm back and I'm not going to give up. I promise, I might be slow at times but I won't give up.
So it's been one of those 'no money days' today, down to the last $40 until next Wednesday another 5 days away. I still have to give My Special Friend ( thats what I call my big boy he's 15) $10 to go to town and I need petrol to go to the city and pick up Hotty ( he works away) I so hope I don't need anything else. I find it really hard to stay positive and trust with this money thing it feels so heavy and tries its hardest to pull me off track. I so know its part of my journey and it is giving me the chance to really grow but its bloody hard! 
I did an on-line Angel reading this morning, I do them often (they are free) and so spookily accurate and always just what I need to hear. I love the Angels and it's one thing I don't doubt the existence of. 
Just as I wrote that I heard a rustling sound I turned around to see...... a moth is crawling up the side of the box I have all my Angel feathers stored in. See what I mean. Another aside ...... when ever I see a feather I pick it up as I know an Angel is near and has dropped it for me. Anyway back to what I was saying...... because of this debt thingy and struggling to make ends meet I keep thinking I should get a job. I know I can hear you ......duh of course you should stupid. But listen about 6 months ago I told the dream machine I needed time and space to find, nurture and heal my self. And of course it coughed up. Here I am in a brand new place where I know nobody with all this time on my hands and Milly my magnificent Mac whom I just love and couldn't live without. I forgot to ask for money have to be so precise with these machines. So I've been reading and reading and journaling and doing art and I feel just great and I want to keep going and going and going. In my heart I know I'm doing the right thing, I need to be doing this. Gosh this is a long story sorry. So back to my Angel have to be specific so I said "should I get a job" The answer of course was WAIT JUST BIDE YOUR TIME they also told me I have an important task involving communication. Try it its a lovely way to chat with your Angels check it out here. This made me feel better and I jumped back into my journey. I didn't really pay attention to the communication part just the wait part. A little later one of the team asked for money for something and I had to say no, this caused me to fall off the path again see its so easy for me to fall off. So I hid in my bathroom with tears streaming down my face and a huge glass of pity punch and yelled at the Universe ..... If I am meant to be doing this then you need to help me...... Then I heard a voice I don't normally  hear stuff but this was as clear as a bell, it was in my head but it was a different voice, I can't really explain but it said..."Nothing will change until you start writing" I sat there thinking for awhile then I put it altogether ....the communication stuff in the card reading and the writing message..... I need to get back to my blog there must be someone who needs to hear my story. So I hope I can reach you whoever you are and I hope it helps to know there is someone else out there just like you and we are going to be Ok I just know it in my heart. Even though we keep tripping and falling, we are on our way.
Love and sparkles

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