Friday 28 October 2011

Beautiful Me

How are you my beautiful friend? I hope you are in a good space today? 
I am ........I'm sitting in bed looking out at a glorious day.......I've just finished listening to todays Worlds Biggest Summit telecast.........amazing.......only a couple more days and it will be over......I shall really miss it. 
Rachel McDonald from soulspacestudio really touched me today. I don't just have stones in my eyes I have rocks in them. What you ask ........Rachel told this beautiful story about a woman who only saw the bad in herself and every time she did a grain of dirt would enter her eye, this would keep happening until she eventually had stones in her eyes. The stones in her eyes came out when she started to see the beauty in herself. Rachel tells it so much more eloquently than me but you get the idea right.........
Only yesterday I was torturing myself about my weight and searching online for magic weight loss miracles. I had a crazy idea about finding one and following it and sharing it with you. Today that seems like such a silly idea. What I did find though was a book by Geneen Roth called "Lost and Found" In her blurb she describes how she discovers her relationship with money is exactly like her relationship with food, it really resonated with me as I do exactly what she described. Splurging and bingeing then dieting and budgeting only to keep repeating this cycle..........IT HAS TO STOP. 
As I said yesterday I really feel I have a handle on the "debt thingy" I don't feel fearful when I think about it.........I honestly have a calm peaceful place deep in my gut where the fear and angst used to be. I truly believe everything is as it should be and it will all be ok. I know this sounds strange but if I received  the money to pay my debts right now..... I would think twice about it. I need to be here ......its keeping me grounded and until I can do that on my own debts are my anchor. I know weird isn't it only two weeks ago I was wishing money would appear to take away the scary feeling and now I'm saying I don't want it.
Soooo where am I going with this, its time to get a handle on "the Weight Thingy"..........I want to have that scrummy feeling I have about money about me and my body too......and I'm not going to find it anywhere on the internet ......... its inside me( Thanks Rachel) ....I just have to find it........but how?
Yesterday I sat in the Goddess Chair and tried to go right inside my belly ........the part that I despise the most to see what was hiding in there.........and I'm 99% sure its hurt and rejection. So what can I do about that........well I have started saying that Louise Hay affirmation I was telling you about......I say it morning and night looking ay myself in the mirror.........sometimes its easy and sometimes its hard.......just keep doing it ok.
What else........well I thought we could do a "Beautiful Me Thingy" where we do one part on our body each week .......we can praise it, thank it and nurture it. So check back in with me tomorrow where will start with our feet ok............think about it..........lovingly of course.
See you tomorrow.
You know what we are going to be ok you and me.
Love and Sparkles

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