Monday 17 October 2011

On the wing of an Angel.


Well I'm off to the city to pick up Hotty (yay) on the wing of an Angel. I have I think and hope just enough petrol to get there and back. 

The Team (my beautiful children) are all very excited that tis Daddy day today. They are aware of the petrol situation and being the darlings they are all offer to bike to school, but alas we awake to rain.....they are all still keen to bike..........the boys will be alright I think but I want to take my Beautiful Princess ......ok mum she says but I want to go real early cos our new teacher starts today.
Bye Mum, love you............bye boys love you too have a fantastic day. Bang, crash, slam heralds the return of My Special Friend.........Mum I have a flat tyre...........So we pile into Harriet ( our car) and head off for school, we arrive at the princess's school, we are so early that no-one is about. The Princess gets all cranky and won't go in so we head off in the other direction to the other school to drop of My Special friend, he is a tad peeved at being so early to school as it is incredibly uncool to be seen at school this early. Then we head all the way back to the princess's school where everyone is now arriving and skippity hop off she goes. Ok its all good I head home for a cuppa and to listen to The Worlds Biggest Summit (another yay)  before I hit the road. As I walk in the door I hear a noise......OMG what did I leave on........and there is My Precious Angel Boy standing in his undies trying to dry his dripping wet uniform with my hair dryer. Mummy I fell off my bike .............Oh my little darling I bundle him into a squishy Mummy hug, we abandon the hair dryer mission find some dry clothes jump into Harriet and head off yet again to school. 

So I am literally now off to the city on the wing of an Angel. I think I could possibly rustle $3 from the bottom of my handbag. I have never had to put $3 in my tank before.........I've always been the one that cruises to a stop in my big 4-wheel drive and hits fill, charges it to our account and heads off not giving it another thought. Not I roll in in my rusty old hatchback with a coathanger for an aerial, very carefully put in the amount I need, praying it doesn't  go a cent over  otherwise my card will decline. I saw a girl the other day putting $3 in and I just wanted to rush right up to her and say ....I'm with you sister ........and you and me we are going to be ok.

Love and Sparkles

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