Monday 24 October 2011

My bathroom mirror

How are you today? I am managing to stay on the humiliation holes or loosing faith loopholes so thats all good. I am still completely absorbed in The Worlds Biggest Summit ...fantastic speakers over the weekend. I had know idea there was such an array of organic healing and teaching methods...... and every single one of them has a story and started from a place not to different from where I am now...... and you my lovely.......and do you know what, the one thing that comes through from every single one of them is......that it is all going to be alright...... just as I keep telling you .......we are going to be ok me and you, we are going to get there too just you wait and see.
So today I wanted to share with you what I have on my bathroom mirror. I have an affirmation I say each morning, I like to do it in the bathroom so I can talk to myself know in the mirror.....this is the third year I have been doing it......I haven't been perfect about it, infact when I first started I was very haphazard about it. Last year we were in a tiny little house on our tropical island, we only had one bathroom and there was lots of comings and goings so I didn't have it on the mirror, I wrote it on a card and kept it in my toiletries bag and said it as I got in the shower in the morning and I didn't always look in the mirror as I wasn't happy with what I saw but I did say it quite regularly.
This is the card that lived in my toiletries bag all of last year.

Isn't it interesting how I am now having to come to terms with our finances and really grow up and take responsibility for the problems. In the past some lovely family member has come to my rescue but this time I am determined to do it my self and really learn from it, make changes and kick it in the butt so it never ever comes back. The other interesting part is that I am now creating exactly the life I want, I have a fresh start and the tools to make a wonderful life and as you know I am on the Happiness Path.......(with you)

So whats on my mirror now.....well I have been blessed and have my very own bathroom...I don't have to share with anyone...only Hotty  when he's home, I have never had my own bathroom so this is pretty exciting for I have my affirmation on the mirror......finally and I am actually saying it to myself, sometimes I'm even naked OMG don't tell anyone........It actually didn't take to long to feel comfortable with looking at me while saying it fact now I actually feel some emotion.
 "The Prosperity Prayer" is my new mantra and its just perfect.

This is from Joe Vitales' blog, I have been saying it for a month now which is what he recommends. Tomorrow I will take it down and replace it with the beautiful "Deep in the centre of my being" Affirmation from Louise Hay.
Have you read her book "You Can Heal Your Life" Its my bible I take it every where. I have the beautiful coloured version and I just love it, the pictures are scrumptious.
I have chosen this because I really think I need to start loving or even liking myself ......even just accepting myself a bit more before I can move on.
Well lovely I better go feed the team.....Oh I forgot to tell you I signed up for the Goddess circle on  I am doing the monthly payment thingy, I know we are not meant to start until November but the pay was there and wont be again for a month. Anyway its a bit daunting, there is so much available on the site, I haven't started anything(the e-courses I mean) and wont until November.......I'm just looking around and checking it all out .......go have a look and we can start together Nov 1st.
We are going to be OK you and me....
Love and Sparkles

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