Saturday 15 October 2011

The Crazy Women

You know yesterdays post well I actually posted it today....wanna know why.... those Angels again. I had actually written it in my journal yesterday but hadn't got round to sharing it with you. You know kind of like writing a letter and the relief you feel licking the envelope...yay..job done, then you carry it around in your handbag for days before posting it. Same same with my post. 
So somehow I found myself up in my bathroom with yet another huge glass of pity punch.....why me, this is not fair, blah blah blah...then there it was again that haven't done that blog yet. So now its no longer getting dog-eared in the bottom of my handbag I have given it to you.
So enough pity punch let me tell you some good stuff....

I am sooooo loving "The Worlds Biggest Summit" Its the first thing I think about when I wake up, thank goodness its the school holidays and I don't need to sort the team out. This is how it goes....I open my eyes...look outside to connect with the day .....take a long look at the Beautiful Princess who has been sleeping in my bed cos its the holidays......sneak downstairs...... make a coffee...... grab magnificent Milly and my journal and head straight back to bed.......rearrange the pillows...... log in......and there it is the list of speakers for the day........I sip my coffee..... hit play........get transported to another world......get excited.......get inspired.......get sad.........get happy........get is just awesome. There are so many amazing people on such incredible journeys. I love people's stories they make me feel so warm I just want to invite them all over for a cuppa. 
Today I met Lucy Pearce from and she talked about the crazy woman and how she is part of all of us Goddesses and when she comes for a visit we should honor her not be frightened of her. I really resonated with what she was saying and she had a gorgeous voice. 
Inside me there was a crazy woman just dying to get out so I decided to draw her. My Special Friend and My Precious Angel Boy (my 12 year old) came and lay on the bed, it was one of those ....This is it moments..... you know scrumptious time with my beautiful boys. Anyway they of course wanted to know what I was doing, we had a lovely chat about the crazy woman who comes to visit me from time to time. Apparently they know her well and wanted to add to my picture. I was surprised to learn that my eyes get bloodshot, I sprout hairs under my arms, my finger nails go pointy, veins appear on my arms and legs, my face goes red and lightening bolts come out of my hair and my dress rips, when the crazy woman comes to visit. 
It was incredibly helpful and liberating to actually acknowledge the crazy woman, to accept her and to talk to my boys about her and why she visits, a far cry from the perfect mother I normally consider myself to be. Thank you Lucy the crazy woman will now be honored in our house. 
Love and Sparkles

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